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Troubleshooting Guide
Cannot Hear Sounds

In some regions where lag is bad, the sounds may not play correctly, or at all.  I've tested it in various places, and experienced this myself.  It is caused by server lag, or network lag with your viewer or internet connection.  Make sure sounds are turned on in the HUD (click MENU, then PLAY SOUNDS - If you see "NO SOUND" then sounds are already turned on.  Move the game to a less laggy region or area if necessary.


The Timer is Out of Sync with the Game


Although testing has not uncovered this, I suspect that heavy lag could cause this to happen.  Even if the timer on the table is not matched perfectly with the HUD, the HUD will operate properly.  When the time is up, you will not be able to make more words, and the scoring will begin.  During testing, I have seen it be off by no more than a second or two.


The Game Appears Stuck or Frozen

1) Checking words can take a while because the dictionaries are stored in notecards inside the game and reading notecards via scripts takes time (SL limitation).  Please be patient.  It's NOT frozen.  Wait for the results.  NOTE:  The dictionary has been significantly improved in the release of Sloggle, but some words, depending on their location in the dictionary could still take some time to validate.


2) If the game is actually frozen or stuck, it could be an SL glitch where a momentary lag spike interrupted the communication between the game and the HUD.  If this happens, the game could possibly get stuck, waiting for a response that won't come.  If this happens, you will need to reset the game.  Please have all players stand up.  Click the MENU button on the table and choose RESET from the menu.  This will completely reset the game and allow you to start over.  Sorry, lag is something I cannot fix.


If you feel something is actually wrong with the game, please contact me immediately.  If I do not know, I cannot fix it.

Checking Words Seems to be Taking a Long Time

Checking words can take a while because the dictionaries are stored in notecards inside the game and reading notecards via scripts takes time (SL limitation).  Please be patient.  It's NOT frozen.  Wait for the results.  NOTE:  When the time is up, any words not already checked will be, in order processed.  The flashing green tiles on the game will turn to a magenta color as the remaining words are checked.  This is designed so you know the game is still working.  If you turned the flashing letters off, you will still hear the sound playing, unless you also turned that off.


Can't Change Poses

I've updated the code for the poses and now you should be able to click your seat (the round part you are sitting on) to get a menu.  On the menu, you can choose PREV or NEXT to move through the poses.  This allows you now to cam onto yourself and view the poses without having the view reset using the keyboard keys.


I Am Floating Above the Seat / Sunken Below the Seat


There is a height adjust available in the menu in case you are floating above the seat or sunken down too far.  Click the seat, choose "HEIGHT" and then choose an option to move your avatar up or down as needed.  Please note:  At first time adjusting, based on your avatar size, you may end up going too far down or up.  Simply re-adjust yourself.


I Am Getting An Error When Trying to Start A Game

The steps to get started are:

  • Accept the HUD you are given (or wear the one you have in inventory)

  • Wear the HUD (Attach to Worn is suggested).

  • Confirm everyone has their HUD attached to their screen.

  • Once everyone is wearing their HUD, ONE player can click BEGIN on the game.


If someone clicks BEGIN before all players wear their HUD:

  • The game is smart and will not let you start until all players wear the HUD.


If someone wanted to play, but did not sit down before BEGIN was clicked:

  • Ask everyone to keep their HUD attached.

  • Ask everyone to stand up.

  • The game will reset itself.

  • Everyone can now sit down at their spot.

  • Ask them to please decline the new HUD offered.

  • Wait for ALL players to confirm they have their HUD on.

  • Now you should be able to click BEGIN to start the game.


If someone decides they do not want to play, what should they do?:

  • Ask them to remove their HUD or simply stand up.

I Have to Click Buttons Twice to Get Them to Respond

There is some odd behavior that seems unfixable.  If you click on something in world, then click on something on the HUD, that first click on the HUD simply brings focus to the HUD, and the second click is then detected.  This could be a viewer issue, or a Windows issue.  Either way, I can't resolve it.


I Found a Bug / Defect - Something is Broken

It is very important that you document what happened.  I need as much detail as possible to find the problem and fix it.  Example:  I need to know how many people were playing, what was being done when the problem happened... what options did you click.. sequence of events... etc.  The more detail the better.  Contact me directly by either IM or note card, and I will do my very best to get it investigated and fixed.  When a fix becomes available, a fix release will be delivered, for free - always free.


I Crashed and Now I Cannot Play

The short story is this:  Every prim in SL is assigned a unique UUID (key) so the server can keep track of everything in-world.  When you have a HUD attached and you crash or log out, it is assigned a new (key) when you log back on.  The game knows your HUD (key) when you begin the game.  If you crash, or log out, and log back on, the game doesn't know your new HUD (key).  For this reason, you will not be able to continue in the game that was in progress.  This is by design, and will not be changed.  Please wait for the current game to end, take a seat, and you should be able to join.

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