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Slurt! Quick Start

Please follow these steps to get started playing Slurt! quickly:


  1. Rez your game on the ground.

  2. Get at least one other person to join you.

  3. Sit on any colored stool and zoom into the table top.

  4. Click BEGIN on the table when you're ready.

  5. Watch chat and the game table closely.

  6. Have fun!!

If you have any trouble seeing the text on the board, you have multiple options:

  1. Click the deck of cards on the table to view the trivia in local chat.

  2. Turn on Noisy mode from the menu Options on the table to display all trivia in chat.

  3. Wear the optional HUD (from the menu Options on the table) - it shows trivia using plain text.

Slurt! is an easy game to play, but if you need further help, you can view the full manual / guide for the game here:  Slurt! Guide

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